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Fluffy Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Fluffy Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Quick pancakes made with cottage cheese, with added chunks of chocolate.


  • 4 servings
  • 200g cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 100g all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 50g dark chocolate
  • optional chocolate glaze – 30ml heavy cream or condensed milk + 50g dark or bittersweet chocolate


Roughly mix cottage cheese with eggs using a whisk or fork. In another bowl, sift flour with baking powder and soda, and mix thoroughly. Add the flour mixture to the bowl with eggs and cottage cheese, and gently combine with a whisk only until the ingredients are smooth and uniform. Finally, fold in half (50g) of the chopped chocolate into the batter. Heat a pan (e.g., a large pancake pan or another non-stick pan) and place 2 tablespoons of batter for each pancake, leaving space between them.

Fry over medium heat until they rise and are nicely browned (about 2 minutes). You can fry them without fat, but I add a small amount of butter to the pan for flavor and to achieve a nice browning of the pancakes. Flip the pancakes to the other side and fry until browned, about 2 minutes. Before frying the next batch of pancakes, wipe the pan with a paper towel. You can serve them with fruits and, for example, with chocolate glaze: break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it together with the cream in the microwave or in a water bath.

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